Thursday, April 15, 2010

What I am doing

I approached Uniting World last year to see if I could be useful somewhere for 4 weeks. They came back to me with an offer from the Balinese National Protestant church to work in their Synod office in Denpasar.

This church has many things happening including teaching hospitality skills to youth at risk kids by running a guest house (where I will be staying), projects with the urban poor and projects in the rural areas.

At this stage I will be helping Synod staff with English, helping with admin and doing some stuff with their chaplains but I will let you know as it all unfolds. I would value your prayers for my time there that it will be useful to the local church.


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    1. G'day Julie, my name is Geoff and I teach Indonesian. I've recently returned from a visit to Karangesem (East Bali), visiting our sister school near Amlapura. Thanks for your insights in your blog regarding the Christian community at Blingbengsari. Did you get to see how any of the schools operateted? I met quite a few principals in Karangesem who wanted to make contact with Australian schools and develop their English language programs.
      You can see some of my work at,

      Terimah kasih banyak, Geoff.

    2. Hi Jeff,

      Unfortunately I didn't get to go to any schools, which was a shame. I did spend a day or so at the orphanage in Blingblengsari and it was a wonderful experience. I am based at Hillston and I know that the Central School here does Indonesian, so I wondering if there are any opportunities with what you do and the school here.
      Keep up the good work.

      Cheers, Julie
